Friday, June 6, 2014

You Could Be A Character In Game Of Thrones

The only thing better than Game of Thrones, that I can imagine at least, is being in Game of Thrones.

And now, for those with pockets full of cash, the dream can actually become a reality.

Using Prizeo, Game of Thrones author George R.R. Martin is trading away tons of GoT-themed prizes to help out with some of the causes he’s most passionate about, wolves and ending hunger. Prizeo lets celebrities tap their fans to raise money for various charities.

For a cool $20,000, Martin will name a character after you, let you choose that character’s station in life, and brutally murder that character in a manner befitting one of the most gruesome, blood-lustful series ever.

Of course, there are smaller donation brackets with equally awesome prizes, like a signed map of Westeros for $350, or a script of the first-ever episode signed by the cast and crew for $4,500.

Martin is doing this as part of his activism work focused on ending hunger. And not shockingly, the author loves wolves, so the campaign’s efforts are split between those two issues. The proceeds will go toward the Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary and the Food Depot in Santa Fe, NM, where Martin resides.

Obviously, all the good prizes are pretty expensive. The most you can get for under $100 is a campaign t-shirt.

However, there is hope for the bastards, whores, and common folk who don’t have access to all the coin in Iron Bank.

One donation, at any level, will be randomly selected to take a friend to New Mexico and have dinner with George R.R. Martin himself. The trio will tour the wolf sanctuary and have plenty of time to pick Martin’s brain about the future of our favorite GoT characters.

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